What is prosthetic technology?
Prosthetic technology is the latest advancements in the field of prosthetics. These advancements have seen a rise due to the demand for customization by customers. A common advancement in much prosthetic technology is the use of a microprocessor. It helps in the development of the improvement of control in prosthetics.
Osseointegration is the connection between the residual bone and an implant. This integration can carry the load. The introduction of this technology was in the field of dentistry. However, its implementation in the field of prosthetics has a great benefit as well. Surgery helps to fit the prosthetic to the bone. It is useful for amputees that do not comply well with socket prosthetics.
Externally Powered Prosthetics
This type of prosthetic technology uses a type of electric motor. This electric motor helps to control the prosthetic. It eliminates the need to wear a harness. Placement of the sensor in the socket pick up signals on the skin. These are then transferred to control the motor functions. This type of prosthetic requires remote training to gain the most benefits.
Silicon Prosthetics
Many people find it challenging to fit in a crowd while wearing prosthetics. For this, researchers used silicon that gives a natural look to the prosthetic. Silicon helps to reduce the social anxiety associated with conventional prostheses. Silicon gloves are the most common prosthetic advancements in this case. People can even get them painted with tattoos and hair to make them look more natural.
Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR)
It is one of the most complicated procedures done on amputees of the upper arm. The surgery rewires the nerves that were previously used for the function of the arm. These nerves are then linked to the adjacent muscles. It allows proper control of the muscle prosthetic. It has allowed enhanced functioning of the muscles and arm.
It is the most advanced form of prosthetic. It is currently licensed by Mobius Bionics. The prosthetic has a powered shoulder along with 10 powered joints. It allows the amputee to reach their hand above their head. Various options include gripping a tool, pinch, and a chuck grip. It also has a wireless foot control system.
Amputees can have a difficult life. Prosthetic technology helps to make their life easier. It has the power to change a life. Currently, researchers are looking for the regeneration of nerves and muscles in the residual limb. Complications and difficulty to wear are two qualities of conventional prosthetics. With the help of new prosthetic technology, we can strive to eliminate these common issues with conventional prosthetics.